Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 6: Kenpo X

(Originally posted Jan 12, 2009)

Another 5:45 am workout. I've never ever been a morning person, and it really is a struggle to get my butt out of bed for this stuff. But, "do your best, forget the rest", right? Ha!

So I think it goes without saying that every single P90x workout is designed to rock your world. However, some of the workouts (I'm looking at you, "Chest & Back," "Plyometrics," and "Legs & Back") definitely rock your world a bit more! So, even though Kenpo was very difficult in its own right this morning, it was a walk in the park compared to yesterday's workout. There was a lot less pausing of the session this time, and I was able to mostly keep up with everything without too much fuss. And what's more, it was kind of fun :)

The Kenpo routine is basically a martial arts inspired exercise filled with lots of blocking, punching, and kicking. It might be a little more difficult for people who've never done any type of martial art training before, but thankfully I had done Taekwondo for a few years back as a young lad....just enough so that it feels fairly natural to be punching repeatedly into thin air. 

Of this hour long workout, the first 30 minutes is definitely the toughest! There are essentially NO breaks during this portion. At the halfway point it seemed to settle down a bit, and there were a whole lot more blocking exercises, which for me ended up being like breaks...much easier! 

Unfortunately though, and I'm not sure whether P90x is to blame, but I've been feeling increasingly sickish the past day or so. Every so mildly feverish, throat cliosing up, and, for whatever reason, I've been burping air a lot...which is extremely weird because I hardly ever ever burp. Let's just cross our fingers that I haven't developed stomach cancer in the past 24 hrs, and that instead perhaps my body is just ticked off at me for all the punishment being inflicted on it :)

Aight, tomorrow is Stretch/Break day. I need it!

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