Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 15: Chest & Back

(Originally posted Jan 22, 2009)

I'm picking back up my P90x updates, at least for this week. This note is actually for yesterday since I didn't have time to write one before I went to bed.

Anyway, let me give a brief recap first of the previous week. Workouts were good (didn't miss one remarkably! and what's more, I didn't throw up during any of them), as was my diet....but I have been extremely low energy lately. The exercises are becoming more of a chore! I had expected for P90x to actually leave me feeling more energetic by the time I got into the full swing of things, but truthfully I feel pretty wiped for most of the day now. Perhaps this is more related to the high-protein, low-carb diet than anything else...but I feel I'm in some need of a boost. I've been somewhat toying with the idea of getting some NO (nitric oxide) supplements to take before working out since they're supposed to help you stay energized and focused during exercise...but I really am not a fan of putting unnatural stuff down the 'ol gullet. P90x actually makes a fairly natural performance booster...I think green tea extract makes up part of the ingredients they use. Maybe I'll give theirs a try instead.

Ok, back to the workout. So yesterday marked the beginning of week 3. I've pretty much given up on doing my exercise sessions in the morning, so instead I've just had to figure out how to make them fit into my nights. Last night I went out to dinner at Salsa, and then went and hung out with some compadres...didn't get home till after 9:45, so it was already guaranteed to be a late night! I've essentially had to decide that I'm going to do my workout every day now matter what....otherwise, what's the point? 

Well, I have to say that due to my lack of energy, last night's workout was sort of a mixed-bag in terms of improvement over my first week. My strength has definitely improved though. Whereas I was only doing a few pullups before unassisted, last night I was able to do (spread out over the whole workout) around 15 of them...not including additional ones where I used a chair to squeeze out extra reps. I was also able to get in a few extra reps of pushups, back flys, etc. Definitely have improved it least for the first half of the workout. But, the last 15-30 minutes of the workout deteriorated much more quickly. I don't know if I was simply pushing myself too hard at the beginning or if it was due to the energy deficiency. But by the time I got to the second round of diamond pushups, this time I couldn't complete a single one. My arms and chest were completely shot! I guess that's a good thing that I went to failure, but I was able to make it through the entire workout on my very first day. Don't know how to interpret that.

Also, I figured that this week I might give a more in-depth review of the workouts, so here's an exercise-by-exercise breakdown of what's involved (from memory..may leave something out). Generally, you're supposed to do as many reps on these as you can while maintaining good form:
1) Standard Pushups: Haven't seen much improvement here. Try to crank out around 30 reps using those Perfect Pushup stands..which I think are overrated, but they definitely make them harder
2) Wide-Grip Pullups: Like standard pushups, these don't really require much of an explanation...but these suckers are a very tough way to start off a workout. Definitely the hardest version of pullups for me! Have definitely seen a lot of improvement here though. Did 6 unassisted for first round (I often try to do at least 10 pullups total, but the latter ones employ the use of a chair!)
3) Military Pushups: These are essentially like standard pushups, except your hands are a little closer together, and you're supposed to keep your elbows pinched in when you go down. These were much harder last night than they've been in the past, but I think I was trying to focus a lot more on my form this time. Did 20ish reps first round using pushup bars
4) Reverse-Grip Chinups: By far the easiest version of pullups. Uses a good bit of your bicep muscles. 7-8 reps unassisted. 
5) Wide-fly Pushups: Not too bad really...just a wider version of standard pushups. Not as much range of motion, so easier to pump these out. Did 25ish I think in first round using pushup bars.
6) Closed-Grip Overhand Pullups: These are actually pretty difficult for me. I can get very close to getting my chin to the top of the bar without too much trouble...but it's extremely hard to do the last couple of inches to get completely up. It's almost as if my arm muscles aren't elongated enough to do them well. Anyway, but this point I'm usually pretty tired. Did 2 unassisted first round
7) Decline Pushups: Like standard pushups, except your feet are propped up on a chair behind you. Pretty tough. Did around 15-20 first round
8) Heavy Pants: Basically a fancy term for bent-over dumbell rows. 
9) Diamond Pushups: These are killer. But I can squeeze out around 8 or more on the first round wtihout too much fuss
10) Lawnmowers: Basically one-arm dumbell rows. 
11) Dive-bomber pushups: These are hard!!! You have wide-stance hands and feet...and you try to mime scooping yourself underneath an invisible fence, and then scoop yourself back under it the other way...and that's one rep. But the time I get to 7 I'm usually sacrificing form pretty badly!
12) Back Flys: This has never been a very easy exercise for me, because I can never really tell if I'm using proper form. It's pretty easy to use your shoulders and triceps here if you're not careful instead of your back muscles, so this one's tough to get right for me unless someone else is there to point out my mistakes. I feel it's best to go with a more manageable dumbell weight here so that I make sure I get the form right.

Ok, you're halfway through! Now take a 45 second break, and do all these exercises again!! Excited!?? Ugh...the second time through I usually have to use assistance on ALL my pullups, some of my pushup reps decrease dramatically, and by the time I get to diamond pushups I'm almost totally spent.

But there you go folks. The majesty of P90x Chest and Back.

Tonight, it's time for Plyometrics X again. Awesome

P.S.-normally I wait at least an hour between my main workout and my ab workout, but last it was so late that I just went right ahead after Chest & Back and followed up with abs. That I have discovered is NOT easy! Affects your form and everything!

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