Sunday, April 22, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Day 24: Day 3 of my P90x-style recovery week (did Kenpo Plus+)

(Originally posted May 13, 2009)

Well, another day in my P90x style recovery week. And again I see how much I generally prefer P90x and Tony Horton to Chalean Extreme. That doesn't mean Chalean hasn't gotten me some good results (especially insofar as muscle size is concerned; the slow/heavy mantra has really helped build my chest up).

Anyway, Katie decided not to come do Kenpo Plus+ with me last night because of how badly she bonked during yoga the other night. She decided that she wasn't cut out for the fitness world and that I should simply go it alone. It was a tough decision, but I managed to persevere wtihout her. (but between you and me, what a lame-o!) ;)

Like with yoga, it's been over a month since I've done Kenpo Plus+, and I sorta have missed it. Part of that has to do with the fact that Kenpo Plus+ is pretty much the only straight cardio I've done in forever. Everything in ChaLean tends to be a bit more intervals-influenced which jacks with the heart rate a lot! I mean, intervals are super effective, but sometimes you just want to go at things with a steadier pace :) All in all though, Kenpo was fun to revisit. I got a great sweat going, threw plenty of uncoordinated punches and kicks...all that good stuff.

Tonight is technically supposed to be stretch day according to the P90x recovery schedule, but we'll see. I might instead try out the Recharge video from ChaLean. It looks like a mix of stretching and yoga...and it's shorter :)

This weekend I have a wedding to go to, so it might be hard to fit all the workouts in. I think Katie and I might figure out a way to do yoga on saturday, but I have another round of Core Synergistics on Friday which I'm thinking I'll have to forego. Oh well!

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