Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 18: Yoga X

(Originally posted Jan 25, 2009)

Ok, and we're back at yoga again. It's actually a good thing that I initially started the program during the middle of the week so that Yoga ends up being on a's so freaking long (1 hr and a half) that I'd never probably finish it otherwise!

Anyway, sadly, I'm not sure if I have improved very much in this department since I started, but that doesn't mean I'm not feeling the benefits of it in my other workouts. Definitely is helping with my flexibility and endurance..not to mention focus. But man, this stuff is NOT easy.

Since this workout consists of about a thousand different little moves that I can't remember the name of, I'll just break it down into it's 3 main parts (each about 30 minutes:

PART 1: This is the tough stuff!! Around 35 straight minutes of upward/downward dogs, miscellaneous pushups, and a trillion sun salutations, chair poses, warriors 1, 2 & 3, and other moves I can't remember the name of. You will be pouring sweat by the end of this. If you can make it through this section, you should be able to survive the rest!

PART 2: Balance poses. These are definitely not easy for me to maintain good form on all of them, but it's a much more relaxed pace...unlike the Power Yoga of section 1. 

PART 3: Cool down, stretches, etc. 

Well, I'm over halfway through the week. If I can survive tomorrow (Legs & Back...*shudders), I might just make it all the way to Week 4! Wish me luck

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