Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 43: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (my new Powerblocks just arrived!)

(Originally posted Feb 18, 2009)

Ok, this little update is primarily just to say that my new PowerBlock dumbbells just arrived today! Basically these things are fancy schmancy adjustable dumbbells that can serve as weights from 5lbs all the way up to 52.5lbs (in 2.5lb increments). After the past few weeks I had started to feel that my current weight selection wasn't varied enough (or heavy enough) for me to continue progressing. But since dumbbell pairs are pretty ridiculously expensive, particularly once you start getting up into the heavier weight ranges, as well as big space wasters, I thought perhaps some adjustable dumbbells might be the best solution. After somewhat thorough research, I narrowed it down to the PowerBlocks and the Bowflex Select-Techs. I ended up going with the former though since the general feedback seemed to suggest that they're a bit more durable. Also, I know that resistance bands would have been a cheaper option, but using them has never felt natural to me. Plus, from what I've heard they're better for doing mainly toning as opposed to building actual muscle mass.

All in all, I was mostly pleased after using them for tonight's workout. You can switch your weights amazingly quickly, and the setup felt fairly sturdy as well as intuitively designed. That said, I was a little bit disappointed to discover that you have to include additional 2.5lb "adder" weights in order to use a poundage that's not a factor of 5 (like 7.5lbs, 12.5bs, 17.5lbs, etc.). The problem is that these "adder" weights make it a bit more laborious to do quick weight changes, and also they are inserted on one side of the dumbbell, so it makes the dumbbell feel lopsided creating a bit more difficulty to lift the thing with good form. Indeed, a bit disappointing. Hopefully I'll get used to it over time.

Additionally, even though these weights are (generally) quickly adjustable, I still ended up having to take slightly longer, unnecessary breaks between exercises in order to change up my weight selection. Again, I'm assuming I'll get more comfortable with making quick changes over time, but it's still a little bit annoying as is. Oh well. I'll withhold any recommendation for these things until I've had them a while longer. 

Ok, that's it from me for now. Tomorrow is Plyo X again. Yay??

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