Saturday, April 21, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Day 2: Rest Day (But I did P90x Intervals Plus+)

(Originally posted April 21, 2009)

Hey everybody,

Like I said in my little introduction yesterday to ChaLean Extreme, this program has 2 rest days a week (unlike P90x which only had one), and one of these was technically yesterday. However, not wanting to lose too much momentum I thought doing some "light" cardio would be best to keep me in the swing of things. And by "light" I mean doing P90x Intervals. I've already reviewed the Intervals workout in a past post, but man oh man this thing never seems to get any easier. Every time I do this workout I have to take an extra long break at the halfway point, absolutely covered from head to toe in sweat. Last night Katie came over to borrow my computer for a bit, so I felt obligated to go give her a sweaty hug when I was taking my break. Delicious :) Ha. Anyways, there's really nothing new to report for yesterday on the workout front since it's one that I've blogged about before, I but I figured I'd keep y'all posted on the goings on. Also, have had a few more people asking me about getting started on the P90x program, which is always kind of exciting since it's great to see people wanting to get themselves in better shape. Good stuff!

Ok, tonight is Burn Circuit 2, so we'll see how that goes. Also, FYI, whereas P90x had abdominal work 3 days a week, ChaLean only has it once...which is simply not enough in my opinion. So to rectify this, I'm just going to do ab stuff on all of my resistance days. Should help to keep things slightly more consistent with what I had been doing up to this point from my P90x workouts.

p.s.-recently discovered that Target carries nutritional bars for dirt cheap compared to anywhere else I've seen. Not as big a selection perhaps, but I was very excited to discover this! Also, tried Odwalla bars for the first time this past weekend. Delish and very very natural. Another great find!

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