Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 20: Kenpo X

(Originally posted on Jan 26, 2009)

This is an update for yesterday's workout. And guess what...I'm very nearly finished with Week 3! Just have to do the stretch vid today, and then the next seven day period is a recovery week. Sadly that doesn't mean I get to sit around and do nothing, but instead means there's no resistance training...just cardio (and I believe I have to do yoga 2x...ugh). I'm heading to NYC this weekend, so I'm not quite sure at this point what I'll do to stay on schedule while I'm there.

Anyway, Kenpo is definitely one of my favorite workouts in the the very least, probably my favorite cardio workout (it's very fast-paced, and you're done before you know it...without any of the repetition you sometimes see in the other workouts). Here's a description I found for what Kenpo actually is:
"Cardiovascular Self-Defense. Kenpo karate started with native Hawaiian Ed Parker Sr., who studied under martial arts master William Chow and Lau Bon. Parker's journey exposed him to the spectrum of marital art forms that originated in China, India, and Asia, which he combined to create Kenpo, a raw street-fighting style and the first American system of martial arts. American Kenpo emphasizes the assets of gravity and economy of motion - everything is used, nothing wasted. In the end, one comes to know that the real weapon is not the fist or the foot, but the whole body. Kenpo X was designed to give P90X users a high-intensity cardiovascular workout loaded with fun, explosive combinations to improve balance, flexibility, coordination, stamina, and confidence." 

I wish I could compare it to similar kick-boxing type workouts, but I can't say I've ever actually done anything like Tae Bo :) I DID used to do taekwondo way back in the day as a kid, and that actually really has helped me execute proper form here. But it's pretty easy to pick it up.

Well, here's a breakdown of the actual workout:

1) Twist & Pivot - while in a fighter's stance (knees bent, hands up), twist and turn torso 25x...2 sets to work both sides
2) Twist & Pivot with Hook and Uppercut - Same as Twist & Pivot but adding Hooks and Uppercut punches. 2 sets to work both sides
3) Jabs - Start with right leg forward. Keep hands up and elbows down when throwing jabs. Work both sides...30 reps each
4) Jab/Cross - Jab with forward arm, then throw a cross punch with back arm. Work both sides...25 reps each
5) Jab/Cross/Hook - Jab with forward arm, then throw a cross punch with back arm, then hook with forward arm. Work both sides...25 reps each
6) Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut - Jab wtih forward arm, then throw a punch with back arm, then hook with forward arm, then uppercut with back arm. Work both sides...25 reps earch.

BREAK: 2 min long...comprised of running in place with high knees, jumping jacks, and plyo x jacks.

1) Step Drag, High/Low Punch - Step forward, drag back foot, and throw high and low punch simultaneously. Work both sides...30 reps each
2) Jab/Cross Switch - Switch feet quickly back and forth in fighter's stance between throwing jab/cross combinations. 20 reps
3) Hook/Uppercut Switch - Same as Jab/Cross switch but with hooks and uppercuts. 20 reps
4) Knee Kicks - While in fighter's stance, extend your rear leg back, reach up with both hands (simulate grabbing someone's shirt collar), and then explosively bring knee up to meet your hands. Work both sides...30 reps each
5) Ball Kicks - From fighter's stance, turn hips square and lift and kick back leg forward. Work both sides...30 reps each.
6) Side Kicks - From Horse stance, drag up left heel to right arch. Lean left, then side kick right. Do 15 reps, both sides
7) Back Kicks - From fighter's stance with left foot forward, lean forward at waist, turn and look at target behind you...kick your right foot backward. 25 reps, both sides
8) Three Direction Kicks - Kick 8 times each to the front, side, and back. Work both sides.

BREAK: 2 min long...comprised of running in place with high knees, jumping jacks, and plyo x jacks.

1) Side Lunge with High Sword/Low Hammer - With hands up and feet together, lunge sideways, extending lead arm straght in high karate chop...then immediately follow it up with a low punch using same arm. 15 reps, both sides
2) Step/Drag/Claw/Low Punch - From fighter's stance, lung forward, extending lead hand with open palm and clawed fingers at eye level. Follow through with Hammer Punch, pulling clawed hand to hip. 25 reps each side.
3) High Block - From Horse Stance wtih palms up and knuckles at hips, thrust or punch arm overhead as if to ward off a downward blow. Alternate right and left arms. Each combo counts as 1 rep. Do 30 reps total
4) Inward Block - From Horse Stance with palms up and knuckles at hips, thrust arm inward across face. Alternate right and left arms. Each combo counts as 1 rep. Do 30 reps total
5) Outward Block - From Horse Stance with palms up and knuckles at hips, thrust or punch arm outward and away from body. Alternate right and left arms. Each combo counts as 1 rep. Do 30 reps total
6) Downward Block - From Horse Stance with palms up and knuckles at hips, thrust or punch arm downward and away from body. Alternate right and left arms. Each combo counts as 1 rep. Do 30 reps total
7) Star Block - From Fighter's Stance using lead arm, sequence is always block up, block in, block out, block down. Complete 16 cycles moving back and forth - 4 forward and 4 back

BREAK: 2 min long...comprised of running in place with high knees, jumping jacks, and plyo x jacks.

1) Front Shuffle with High Block/Low Punch - Step forward and High Block simultaneously. Big hip turn and follow through with second Hammer Punch. Repeat sequence on opposite side. 25 reps each
2) Knee/Back Kick - While in Fighter's Stance, extend rear leg back reach up with both hands (simulate grabbing someone's collar), and in one motion thrust back knee forward and up while simultaneously pulling hands to hips. Then lean and pivot on lead foot, followed by Side Mule Kick. Repeat sequence on opposite side. 15 reps each 
3) Front and Back Knuckles, Ball Kick, Back Kick - From Fighter's Stance, Back Knuckle front and back, followed by Ball Kick then Back Kick. Repeat sequence on opposite side. 10 reps each
4) Hook, Uppercut, Low Side Kick - From Fighter's Stance with left foot forward, Hook left, Uppercut right, Side Kick right. Repeat sequence on opposite side. 10 reps each
5) Elbow Series - While in Horse Stance, drive elbow up, down, in and out in a cross platform (chin high). Alternate arms and do not start motion with second arm until first is completed. 30 reps
6) Vertical Punches - In Horse Stance with palms up and fists at hips, alternate chest-high vertical punches. Increase speed every 10 reps. 100+ reps


Ok, one more day left till recover week! And then...."only" 68 more days to go. Yay??

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