Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 1: Chest & Back

(Originally posted Jan 7, 2009)

Ok, for those of you who don't know what P90x is, it's the over-the-top intense home workout video thingy that you have probably seen informercials for in the early AM when you're watching the latest episode of the Office that you TIVO'd that day while eating a bag of potato chips (or perhaps even just a bag of Stacy's Pita Chips, because you think you're being healthy)....or something like that.

Anyway, I know some folks whose friends have done the program, and, well, it evidently does what it says it will: get you in DARN good shape....that is, if you actually do all 90 days the way you're supposed to.

Well, I'm a long ways off from 90 days. I just took my fitness test for the program yesterday, and that was just to ensure that I would be able to do the exercises without keeling over and going into cardiac arrest....or dying. But today the games began with "Chest & Back"...and man am I more out of shape than I thought. 

After about 800 sets of pull ups, pushups, and flys I pretty much DID keel over. I felt downright sick, and did actually, well, throw up at the end. Not hurt thankfully, but sick. And my form was probably atrocious on most of the exercises. Well, I take that back. I think I was actually doing quite well for about the first 1/4 of the workout...but the darn thing wouldn't end! And it was all downhill from there, even though the folks in the video continued on like they could do this stuff forever. 

But I'm refusing to be discouraged! Now I have to go do my 16 minute "Ab Ripper" workout (gosh does that sound awful), and then it's "Shoulders & Arms" in the morning. Wish me luck. I'll try to give an update every now and then over the course of the 90 days...with the main purpose for that being that I think that might give me a little extra motivation to not quit on this thing! Yeehaw.

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