Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 48: Kenpo Cardio Plus+

(Originally posted Feb 24, 2009)

For those who've been following my updates, you'll recall that I recently ordered the P90x Plus+ dvd's (which are for P90x grads wanting to take it to the "next level") to rotate into my regular P90x workout schedule. The reason for this is primarily because a) the P90x Plus+ workouts are a little bit shorter, albeit more intense, and b) I've been longing for a little bit more variety in my weekly routine. 

Anyway, tonight would normally be Kenpo X night, but instead I decided to dip my toes into the P90x Plus+ waters with Kenpo Cardio Plus+. Running at around 43 minutes instead of a full hour for Kenpo X, the new workout was no slouch! After about 10 minutes I was pouring sweat, and I feel pretty confident that my butt got kicked a lot harder than it normally does. That being said, this workout also struggles a bit due to the speed of the whole thing. There are pretty much zero breaks throughout, and each new exercise move isn't very well introduced. I had to watch some of them for a while before I even had any idea what I was supposed to do...and then I'd have to rewind to the beginning of that section to get in the full workout. So yeah, not the greatest cueing on this one...but still, it's a routine that I'm glad to now be able to rotate in with my other P90x stuff. 

*tomorrow is a rest day, and then then begins Week 8 which is another "rest week" . I NEED IT

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