Saturday, April 21, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Day 10: Burn Circuit 2 (again)

(Originally posted April 29, 2009)

Ok, so last night I was lucky enough to have Katie come over and be my workout buddy. It always is a bit more motivating to have her there with me! :) Although it does mean she gets to witness the fact that I'm barely lifting what Chalene does on half the exercises! *I know you'll appreciate that comment*

Anyhoo, as this was my second time to do Burn Circuit 2, I can safely say it's definitely my least favorite of the Burn series. I don't know what it is (perhaps I'm doing my dead lifts with bad form), but my lower back just gets rocked in this workout. I mean, not necessarily in an "I hurt my back" sort of way...but instead it just feels an over the top workout burn....which nobody else on the dvd seems to be having trouble with. Oh well. 

If you can't remember, Burn Circuit 2 is a combination of lower body moves along with some bicep and upper back work. One problem for me is that I've never been very good at doing rows, etc., for back work and this workout has a lot of that type of stuff. Also, I normally love doing bicep work (being a guy and all), but I feel that I'm not getting as much out of it as I should when I have to combine a bicep curl along with a standing-leg raise that has me balancing on one foot. It's a bit awkard, and it keeps me from lifting as heavy as I'd like.

Anyhoo, tonight, if I'm able to squeeze it in, is Burn Intervals again...and it's a beast! Wish me luck.

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