Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 4: Yoga X

(Originally posted Jan 10, 2009)

This afternoon I did Yoga X, and I had no idea what to expect since I've never done yoga. To be honest, yoga is just one of those things that, when you see someone else do it, doesn't look that hard. Well, I can now safely say that it is indeed quite hard!

After 40 straight minutes going in and out of "downward dog" and "upward dog" poses, and all the other other in-between poses (each of which you hold for up to 1 min), I was sweating as much as if I had been doing a full-blown cardio workout...and it didn't even end there. The total workout was around 1hr and half! But, it was kind of relaxing at the same least on the poses that I was able to perform without falling over. 

Unfortunately, my wifi connection stopped working right last night, so I was never able to do the Ab Ripper routine after my Shoulders & Arms workout (all the exercise sessions are streamed wirelessly through my Apple TV rather than me having to constantly switch out dvd's). I guess I'll have to do that tonight before I go to bed. 

As a side note, I actually ordered some of the dietary supplement stuff that they recommend for the program, and they came yesterday. I'm not a big supplement guy, but I had read other people's reviews on them and they seemed to be pretty positive. The supplement stuff I got: the P90x nutrition/protein bars, the P90x peak recovery drink formula, and the daily multi-vitamins.

All I can really speak about at this point is the P90x bars and the recovery drink. As for the bars, they're mocha flavored. They taste "ok"...really dense. They're supposed to be a good snack food for the program, and maybe even the occasional meal replacement if you're in a rush. But I think there are probably better alternatives out there...either more natural or with more good supplemental stuff. Not bad by any means, but definitely negotiable.

As for the P90x recovery drink? Wow. I have never ever ever ever in my life had a protein/supplement/workout drink formula that has tasted remotely good. But this stuff is great! Tastes like an orange julius, no lie. Good amount of protein as well as other helpful stuff...even includes some creatine as well. There might be other drinks out there that are even more fully loaded with muscle-building whatever, but they would never taste anywhere near this delicious. On this item at least, I'm sold.

Aight, that's it from me. Happy Saturday night folks. Tomorrow we got "Legs & Back". Fun times.

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