Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Less Extreme Alternative to P90X? Chalean Extreme

(Originally posted Feb 10, 2009)

Hey everyone,

Since I've received questions from from some of you who are interested in P90x, but who are also maybe a little scared off by the time required or intensity of it, I just stumbled upon a new workout program today that might be a great alternative for some of you! It's called ChaLean Extreme. It's actually made by the same people who do P90x (BeachBody)

The description I had read of it called it "P90x for women", but I feel that's a misleading statement since a) women are featured throughout the P90x series, and b) men are encouraged to do the ChaLean Extreme program. 

From what I can tell, it seems to be a 90 day committment just like P90x, but the workouts are shorter (35-40min as opposed to 1hr) and maybe a little less intense? More than likely, they probably just seem less intense due to the shorter workout duration. Also, from what I've read it seems that it puts a slightly more balanced focus on both upper AND lower body, whereas P90x does seem to slightly skew more towards upper body. 

That said, I've not done this program, but the early reviews and feedback seem to be positive. Like I said, it might be a good alternative to P90x for some of you. 

Here's the actual website:

Also! Just FYI, if you decide to buy P90x or ChaLean Extreme or any of the other BeachBody workouts, DO NOT buy them from BeachBody. Their products seem to be pretty stellar, but from what I've read they are miserable, and even a little shady, to deal with! Buy from Amazon or one of BeachBody's independent coaches or something. Heck, even off of EBAY. I bought my P90x for like half off the retail price by buying from some sketch Chinese website :) Of course, I'm not necessarily recommending you do THAT too.

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