Sunday, April 22, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Day 31: Push Circuit 2

(Originally posted May 20, 2009)

So last night was Push Circuit 2, and I have to say I'm still digging the Push Phase a whole lot more than the Burn Phase from month 1. Much more satisfying :)

Anyway, Katie was supposed to come work out with me last night but ended up sick at home with a fever, so it was just me instead :( It's not quite as fun without my workout buddy, but I did the best I could! Push Circuit 2 seemed to put most of the focus on the shoulders as well as a little bit of the back (which aren't typically my favorite muscle groups to work), in addition to the usual complement of lower body moves. By the end of the workout my back actually felt a little bit tweaked, similar to how I felt during Burn Circuit 2 (which I was not a fan of by the way)...but it wasn't too bad.

Here's the list of exercises for Push Circuit 2 (remember, the general guideline here is to use a heavy weight that pushes you to failure at 6-8 reps):

STANDARD OVERHEAD SHOULDER PRESS: Good ‘ol fashioned overhead press. Lift slow and lower slow.

SINGLE LEG LUNGE: This move is tough. By removing one leg, and using if for balance only, you really challenge the single leg.

STANDING REVERSE FLY: Working the shoulders (bent over slightly with straight back), use caution here and don’t hurt yourself by trying to lift too heavy, but lift heavy enough to get the job done. You’ll know. You want to work hard, but work out smart!

STANDING ARNOLD PRESS: I like this move. It’s similar to the overhead press, but you are bringing your arms down in front of your face, with your palms facing you. As you press upwards, you twist the weight, palms facing away. There is a similar move in P90X ("Deep Swimmers Press"?), except you lower your arms down even lower. Great exercise.

EXTREME SET of STANDING ARNOLD PRESS: On each "extreme" set you are going as slow as you can for 3 reps...lifting and lowering slowly. If you reach failure and can’t finish that’s ok, this exercise is designed to challenge you.

SINGLE LEG DEAD LIFT: This exercise you will have to see to fully understand. It’s similar to a dead lift, with the exception of raising one leg backwards as you lower yourself into the dead lift.

EXTREME SET, DEAD LIFT: For the extreme set, 3 reps, you perform a normal dead lift rather than a "single leg" one.

BENT OVER LATERAL RAISE: Back to the shoulders (the move is lead by your pinky finger). This is followed by the Extreme Set of Lateral Raise.

FRONTAL SHOULDER PRESS: This exercise is just like the overhead press, except you have your palms facing each other (So your thumbs are facing towards the back)....and they're slightly in front of your face. This is followed by the Extreme Set, Frontal Shoulder Press.

SINGLE LEG TAP LUNGES: This was an interesting move. You step back into a reverse lunge. Then without raising/straightening your front leg up from its lunge position, you step your back foot up to your front foot, but only use this leg for balance, as you make the front leg press back up again. After you finish 6-8 reps on the first leg, you go straight into the Extreme Set. Except for the extreme set you only do the lunge. Then you repeat the other leg.

LATERAL DELT RAISE: By this time, my arms and shoulders were getting fatigued. I dropped my weight down to finish up this last set. And the Extreme Set that followed was extremely difficult! But once you’re finished with this extreme set, you’re finished!

p.s.-tonight is supposed to be a cardio workout, but I'll decide which one later on (probably will do one of the Chalean intervals workouts)

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