Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 17: Shoulders & Arms

(Originally posted Jan 24, 2009)

This is an update for yesterday's workout...I have yet to do today's Yoga! Anyway, yesterday was definitely a tricky one to fit in. Right after work I went to dinner, then I had to go straight home to work out so that I would be ready in time for some get-together reunion thing I had last night. 

Well, since this is the third time I've done this particular workout, I have can now safely and assuredly say that this one is by far the easiest for me in terms of execution. I mean, my arms still get their butt kicked...but it's just my arms. I don't use them to walk around, and having tired arms does nothing to make nauseated. It's really more of a rest day for me even than Yoga or Kenpo. 

That said, I can definitely see improvement over week 1. As a matter of fact, it's probably time for me to go pick up a few higher-weight dumbbells at the store. For the most part my number of reps improved for each exercise, and on some I was also upping the weight. The problem is that my two highest weighted dumbbell pairs are a set of 20 lb-ers and a set of 30s. So last night, there were some exercises where I started on 30s, got my butt kicked halfway through the set, and then had to finish on the lighter weight. Yeah, I definitely need new dumbbells :)

Anyway, here's the breakdown for P90x Shoulders & Arms day. You do 5 rounds of 3 exercises each (each round gets repeated before moving onto the next....and in between rounds there is about a 1 min break):

ROUND 1: Alternating Shoulder Presses; In & Out Bicep Curls; Two-arm Tricep Kickbacks (these kickbacks are definitely the hardest for this round.)

ROUND 2: Deep Swimmers Press (like an extreme version of alternating shoulder presses); Full Supination Concentration Curls; Chair Dips (I've gotten quite good at these actually!)

ROUND 3: Upright Rows (this is one of those exercises where I might need a more appropriate dumbbell pair than what I currently have); Static Arm Curls; Flip-Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks (these are like a nightmare version of the regular kickbacks from Round 1)

ROUND 4: Two-Angle Shoulder Flys; Crouching Cohen Curls (For these you bend your legs, place your elbows right on your knees, and's a little tough on my back though); Lying-down Tricep Extensions

ROUND 5 (Bonus Round): In & Out Straight Arm Shoulder-Flys; Congdon Curls; Side Tri-rises

*Ok! Now rinse & repeat all of those! 

Got Yoga X later today. Till then folks :)

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