Sunday, April 22, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Month 3: "Lean Circuit 1"

(Originally posted June 24, 2009)

Ok, so I sorta bailed on the updates for the entire Month 2 of Chalean Extreme. Additionally, I've started substituting in outside workouts (bike riding, etc.) more frequently, especially for the cardio stuff. I guess you could say I took the scenic route through the "Push Phase" of the program :) But that doesn't mean I've quit!

As a quick re-cap, the first month of Chalean Extreme was the "Burn Phase," and I was not a very big fan. Lots of awkward synergistic movements. That's not to say the workouts weren't effective. I just didn't enjoy them very much!

Month 2 was the "Push Phase" which focused on one muscle group at a time. This allowed you to really concentrate on lifting heavy weight very slowly for fewer number of reps. In general, I found this to be a lot more enjoyable, and I also saw substantial results pretty quickly...especially in the chest and arms. 

But the overall goal here to keep breaking through plateaus, and so we have to periodically switch up our workouts to keep the muscles guessing. Enter the "Lean Phase." 

Last night was "Lean Circuit 1". This workout is the longest so far, about 45 minutes. Now don’t immediately think 45 MINUTES! Several of the workout sets are single arm exercises, so it takes longer. And it's still 15 minutes shorter than most of the P90x workouts. Now unlike the Push Circuit where you were failing at 6-8 reps, this circuit you go 10-12 reps. So your goal is 12, and if you reach Muscle Failure at 10, that’s OK. But you want to fail, you don’t want to quit because it’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard! If you can lift more than 12, or your last 3 are not hard, you need to add weight. Remember, muscle burns fat. Also, the exercises in this workout are a bit more synergistic in nature, similar to what I saw in the "Burn Phase"...except that there is much stronger emphasis overall on working your core, and I enjoyed it much more as a result. 

To sum up, this is a great workout. You are going to focus on biceps, triceps, legs and your core. My biceps and triceps were “finished”, “done”, “toast” after this workout.

You start off with the Chalene Johnson warm up (which is annoyingly the same for every single workout, and it's very aerobics-class feeling), which last just under 5 minutes. You do some stretches, and some warm up sets with light weights. Then you’re off and running for the next 40 minutes.

1) Single-Calf Raise, Bicep Curl - With this exercise, you will use a chair for balance. Raise one leg, and balance on one leg only. Using the opposite arm as your leg, you will perform a single bicep curl and a single leg calf raise. For example, single leg calf raise on your right leg, while using your left arm for the single arm bicep curl. You will complete this set, then do an extreme set with the same arm. Then you will rotate and do the opposite side. 
Extreme Set - Single arm, extremely slow bicep curls. Slow to lift and as slowly as possible on the way down. 3 reps total. 

2) Tricep Push-Ups - Simple enough, narrow tricep push ups. The trick is to keep your elbows back, where as you lower into the push up, your elbows are touching your sides. Advanced move… Use Pushup Stands! 

Extreme Set - Overhead Tricep Press. Holding a single weight, have a seat in your chair. Lift the weight directly over your head. Keeping your elbows in a stationary position, lower the weight back towards the back of your head and the lift again. 3 reps. Your weight should be somewhere in the weight range of what you would do a single tricep kick back times two. So if you do tricep kickbacks with 10 lbs each. Around 20 lbs for your Extreme set. 

3) Split Lunge with Biceps - Assuming a runner’s type stance, you are going to lower into a squat as you perform a bicep curl. As you raise out of your squat, you will lower your bicep curl. You will do 6 reps, then without stopping, simply switch legs. 
Extreme Set - No biceps, but do 3 slow squats in a regular shoulder width stance. 

4) Stationary Runner’s Lunge - Double Triceps - This move will have you in a runner’s stance again, but this time lean forward and keep a flat back. You are going to perform a double tricep kickback. Slowly! 
Extreme Set - Using a chair, you will perform chair dips for the triceps. For an easier exercise, keep your legs bent at a 90 degree angle on the floor. To make this more challenging, move your feet further away. More challenging, keep your legs straight out in front of you. Want more? One leg straight, and lift one leg off the floor. Are you crazy? Use a second chair and put both feet on the opposite chair. And the last advanced move (short of adding weight to your lap) both feet in the chair, and lift one leg. 

5) Bicep Curl with Hamstring Curl - Right and Left - This move will require your thigh toner band. Place the band around your ankle, and around the heel of your opposite foot. You are going to perform a single bicep curl while doing a hamstring curl at the same time. For example. If you are doing a left leg hamstring curl, you will do a single bicep curl with your right hand. You will do 12 reps, then do the Extreme Set. After the Extreme Set, you switch sides, followed by the other Extreme Set. 
Extreme Set - Single bicep curls. Your biceps should be on fire. 

6) Plank with Single-Tricep Extension - This was definitely one of the most challenging moves I have done in the Chalean Extreme program. In the plank position, you will hold a single weight in one hand. Holding your plank position, you will do tricep kickbacks. You must focus on keeping your hips flat, if you find yourself shifting your weight to one side, and raising the hip, get your hip back down, or lower to your knees. This one move, called upon my mental strength. 
Extreme Set - Tricep push ups. Lower down, hold at the bottom, then push back up again. Advanced move…. Power Stands! 

7) Reverse Lunge - Double-Arm Bicep Curl - Performing a bicep curl with the weights in the top position, you will step back and lower the weights at the same time. As you begin to lift the weights, you will stop lifting half way, then step forward with your back foot, then as you raise back up fully, you will complete the curl. At your 6th rep, you’ll switch feet, but you won’t stop. 
Extreme Set - Perform 3 reps of regular squats, feet shoulder width apart. 

8) Supine Tricep - Selecting a weight that is about double the weight of a single tricep kickback, you will lie on your back, and lift the weight directly straight up, directly over your face. Please don’t drop the weight! With your elbows acting as a hinge, lower your arms and the weight down, and then lift them back up again. Your elbows will remain stationary. 
Extreme Set - Regular pushups, 3 slow reps, perfect form. Powerstands for an advanced move. 

9) Sumo Squat Calf Raise with Bicep Curl - I tend not to like any of the sumo/calf-raise moves in Chalean Extreme as they always seem extremely awkward to me. Anyway, assume a sumo squat, lower yourself into a squat, and raise the weight into a bicep curl. As you raise back up out of the squat, lower the bicep curl. To make this even more challenging, at least for me, at the top of the squat, raise up on your toes to work the calves. 
Extreme Set - Regular bicep curl, both arms at the same time. 

Finish the workout with a 2 minute cooldown, but definitely take more time if you need to (I think her cooldowns don't sufficiently stretch you. This workout mainly batterd the arms, but the legs receive most of the cooldown work!). My biceps and triceps were sufficiently worked over at the completion of this workout. But that's good :) Breaking down muscle, promotes muscle growth. Muscle burns fat. More muscle, means more calories burned per day.

Today is a cardio day, but I'm not sure yet what I'll do for my workout. At the very least, I'll be doing Lean Circuit 2 on check back for that!

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