Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome to Insanity: Shaun T.'s "Insanity" (Day 1)

My History with P90x and the Chance to Try Something New

Many of you already know me as a big advocate for Beachbody (I'm NOT one of their paid "Coaches"...just a fan), particularly Tony Horton and his P90x workouts.  At this point, I've completed 3 full cycles of the program since early 2009 along with some additional half-hearted attempts here and there sprinkled throughout.  I've also given a shot to Chalean Johnson's "Chalean Extreme," which I can say was not for me, as well as Tony Horton's "10 Minute Trainer" and "P90x Plus" workouts.

That said, up to this point I've been putting off trying the apparent madness of Shaun T.'s "Insanity."  The workout seems brutal in such a cardio-specific way that I haven't been sure that I can handle it.  P90x was no picnic, and I still consider it to have some of the toughest workouts put to DVD (got me in the best shape of my life 2 years ago), but there's something more appealing to me--and easier FOR me--about lifting weights in P90x versus the pure body-weight based training and cardio of Insanity.  When a workout has my lungs burning for oxygen from plyo jumps and running in place with high knees, I long for some methodical dumbbell curls instead to ease the pain.

About a month ago while we were still in AR for the summer, Katie bought me Insanity on Craigslist as an early birthday gift.  I had been doing a bit of P90x during most of July with my fellow MBA interns, but it finally felt like the time was right to give Shaun T. a chance.  However, the past 3 weeks or so have seen me do no P90x, no Insanity, or anything else for that matter, along with a bit of a lapsed diet.  And unfortunately for me, it doesn't take me long to get out of shape!

After many days of me casting fretful looks at the cardboard box housing the Insanity program guide and DVDs, Katie and I finally decided today to begin this adventure into assured cardio hell (but hopefully fitness heaven thereafter).

Insanity: What is It?
Essentially, Insanity is a 60 day fitness onslaught using 10 crazy workouts interspersed throughout the 2 months.  For about 45 minutes/day (6 days/wk) you're expected to "dig deep" via MAX INTERVAL TRAINING (i.e. 3 minutes of hardcore, sprint-level activity followed by 30 second rests) as Shaun calls it so that you can come out the other side ripped and ready to rock.

I have to say that I haven't seen any Insanity before/after results that I find as compelling as what P90x has done for people, but the 60 days and shorter workout times is definitely a plus!  And, Shaun T. seems to be in some ways a better motivator than Tony Horton (although I certainly love Tony).  But perhaps most importantly, Katie hates Tony Horton, and she's said she's actually willing to give Insanity a go with me.

Day 1: The Fit Test

So today, which actually does indeed count as Day 1, was the Fit Test.  And let me tell you that Katie and I almost died just doing the workout that's supposed to see if you can actually do the program.  Not sure if that bodes well, but we both seemed to like it pretty well...despite some already rebelling body parts.

Here's the fit test breakdown (each exercise is max reps within 1 minute...which is a lot):
With hands tight in front of the chest (like a karate position), kick leg straight up and out and then hop onto the other foot, kicking that leg in turn.  These are hard!!

Basically these are squat jacks.  From a standing position, arms in the air, jump down so that your legs go into a squat position with arms down.  Repeat until legs no longer can hold you.

This one seemed perhaps fit test relevant, but you only were able to do the exercise on one side.  Essentially, stand in a sideways lunge, with your back straight (core tight) while at a diagonal.  Proceed to take your hands from up in the air down to meet your knee as you bend your leg up towards your torso. They go VERY fast on these.

Good 'ol plyo jumps.  Basic, but deadly.  Your legs won't thank you for the experience.  From a low squat jump as high as you can, landing back in the squat position...and repeat.

These are similar to the above power jumps, but this time you have to make some lateral and forward/backward jumps.  Basically, from a squat position you jump forward, then left, then back, then right, then forward again.  This isn't as easy as it sounds.  After the first thirty seconds. your lateral movements become less like jumps and more like little skips.

These are essentially burpees, if you ever did those back in the day.  P90x has plenty of these, so I'm used to them.  Doesn't mean they're easy though!  From a standing position, bend down to place hand on the floor and then jump your legs back into plank position.  Pretty much immediately jump your legs back into a crouch position and jump as high as you can.  Ouch!

These were new to me...and very hard!  From a plank position, drop down into a pushup while simultaneously jumping your legs into a spread eagle.  Almost like a jumping jack on the ground with a combined pushup.  These were easily one of the toughest!

Definitely have seen these before.  But I've never ever moved this fast with them!  From a low plank position, swing your knee at an outward angle around to meet the same plane as your elbow.  Put it back, and then repeat on the other leg.


So, this video was completed after about 30 minutes, and as I said, Katie and I felt wiped and were sweating all over the place.  Again, not sure this bodes well for tomorrow or other future workouts, but it's a nice change of pace from Tony's P90x world (although I'll probably get the new P90X-2 right when it comes out this fall!).  Plus it's nice to have a workout that Katie is willing to join in on!

P.S. - 
  • Don't eat a bowl of cereal right before your workout!  I think I did that to use as a potential excuse for postponing the workout an additional day, but that didn't happen.
  • Have water handy, and take breaks as needed.  BUT REMEMBER YOU CAN ALMOST ALWAYS GO HARDER THAN YOU THINK YOU CAN!
  • Remember good form!  This applies to all workouts, but I can tell that Insanity is the sort of workout that, hard though it is, can be easy to cheat on.  Shaun T. has said as much, and it's part of the reason he changed up the exercises so much in his new Asylum program that just came out.
  • Have a post-workout drink (typically 2:1, carbs:protein) handy at the end of the workout; from experience I can tell you it helps in the recovery process... if you don't want to get too crazy with this, chocolate milk is actually the choice of lots of folks out there.
  • I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to post an Insanity "before" pic yet, but I definitely will have before and after photos at the end of the 60 days!
See you tomorrow?

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