Saturday, April 21, 2012

P90X Day 19: Legs & Back

(Originally posted Jan 25, 2009)

Ugh... Legs & Back day again. This has been a rather tiring past few days in general, so I was definitely not up for this. I did a church internship program in Memphis right after I graduated UVa a few years back, and we had sorta a little reunion this it was a bit difficult to get my workouts in while making sure I had time to do all the hanging out that I wanted to :) But I somehow managed to make it through!

The "Back" portion of this workout is comprised pretty much of different pullup variations...and I have to say I am definitely improving in this area! Despite the fact that I absolutely ABHOR pull-ups :) The "Leg" portion on the other hand is made up mostly of different types of squats and lunges. I hate getting jelly legs more than anything, but today wasn't too bad. I don't know if that's a sign of improvement or rather an indicator that I was dogging it!

So, today's routine goes a little something like this (non-pullup exercises are done as sets of 30 reps; pull-ups on the other hand are done to failure):

ROUND 1: Balance Lunges; Calf-Raise Squats; Reverse Grip Chin-ups

ROUND 2: Super Skater (these are hard! basically one-legged squats, and your non-working leg doesn't touch the ground); Wall Squats (also killer...back up against the wall with your legs bent 90 degrees for 2 minutes); Wide Front Pull-ups

ROUND 3: Step Back Lunges; Side Lunges; Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups

ROUND 4: Single Leg Wall Squats (I HATE's only for 1 minute, but they are hard! today was actually the first time that I pretty much made it through without bailing early); Deadlift Squat (similar to Super Skaters...variation on single-leg squat); Switch Grip pull-ups (alternating every two reps between chinups and close-grip pullups)

ROUND 5: Ballistic Stretch; 3-way Lunge with Kicking; Sneaky lunges (all done on your toes...hard!)

ROUND 6: Reverse Grip Chin-ups; Chair Salutations (basically crouch as though you're seated on an imaginary chair and hold it for 1 min or so); Toe-roll Iso Lunges

ROUND 7: Wide Front Pull-ups (these again!??); Groucho Walk (basically consists of a wide, low-stance walking move); Calf Raises

ROUND 8: Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups; 80/20 Cyber-Speed Squat (quick squat move that requires you to get airborne! sort of a plyo move); Switch Grip Pull-ups

Well, tomorrow is Kenpo X! It's tough and definitely makes me sweat, but it's also one of the most fun routines in the program. Till then :)


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