Sunday, April 22, 2012

CHALEAN EXTREME Day 25: day 4 of my P90x-style recovery week (did 10 Min abs and "Recharge")

(Originally posted May 14, 2009)

Well, if we were going by the book when it comes to a P90x recovery week, I would have done P90x Stretch last night. But, "Stretch" is an hour long, and last night was the LOST season finale...and I didn't have time for that sort of nonsense dagnabit!

Anyhoo, instead I opted for a round of "10 Minute Trainer" Abs and ChaLean Extreme's "Recharge!". I don't remember if I've ever reviewed "10 Minute Trainer's" ab video before, but it is pretty dang intense for being so short. You basically do 20 moves in 10 minutes, switching every 30 seconds. There are lots of various plank and side balance moves towards the latter half, and they are extremely challenging! It was a bit easier than the past times I've done it, but still.

Here's a rundown of the moves involved:
Move #1: Cross Crunch
Move #2: Bridge Crunch
Move #3: Iso Bike
Move #4: Speed Bike
Move #5: Golden Gate
Move #6: Side Arm “O” Crunch
Move #7: Side Arm “O” Crunch, opposite side
Move #8: Hip Lift Kick
Move #9: Hip Lift Kick, opposite side
Move #10: Plank “O” Crunch
Move #11: 3 Point Plank Crunch
Move #12: 3 Point Plank Crunch, opposite side
Move #13: Lolasana
Move #14: The Dawn
Move #15: Mountain Climber
Move #16: Superman Crunch
Move #17: Tick Tock Lift
Move #18: Peek a Boo
Move #19: Scissor Crunch
Move #20: Scissor Lift

As for "Recharge", this workout is basically like a mini-version of P90x's "Stretch" & "Yoga X" videos combined. The flow of it is ok, but I felt like not every body part got stretched enough, while some seemed somewhat over-emphasized. I felt relaxed by the end, but it definitely doesn't compare to finishing the P90x vids. Oh well. It's only 20 min though, so it's hard to complain too much!

*tonight is Core Synergistics (so hard!). wish me luck, eh?

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