(Originally posted June 30, 2009)
I did this last night for the first time. Let me just say that this might just be the hardest/best workout in the entire ChaLean Extreme program. Maybe I was just pushing myself more than normal, but my butt was whooped by the end! Chest and Shoulders? They'll probably be sore for a week :)
Anyway, now that I've done each of the Lean Circuit workouts, I can definitely say that I'm enjoying this Phase a lot! Really, I think the only Phase I DIDN'T enjoy was during month one (BURN PHASE); so if you decide to give ChaLean Extreme a try, definitely push through the second month no matter what...it gets better!
This workout is approximately 39 minutes long, with the usual 4 minute warm up, including a warm up set with weights. By now, this beginning part should be second nature!
1) Squat with Cross-Body Chop -
Using only one weight, and holding the same weight with both arms straight out in front of one of your shoulders. Keep your feet together, and lower down into a squat, and move the weight down over to your opposite hip. Keeping the arms straight the whole time, you will then lift the weight back across the body once more, and back up to the opposite side around shoulder height. As you move the weight upwards, you raise out of the squat. As you lift the weight up and back, you should feel your obliques. You switch sides after 6 reps. This is one tough exercise. You really have to stabilize the core to keep from hurting yourself here :)
Extreme Set: This set is just a good old fashioned squat. You will need both weights, and while you’re getting your second weight, go ahead and throw some more weight on. When you come out of the squat (feet shoulder width apart), lean back and put all of your weight on your heels.
2) Reverse Lunge and Arnold Press-
This exercise is a monster! Again with a single weight. Hold the weight with your palm facing you (kind of in a bicep curl position), elbow bent, and the weight about shoulder high. You will step back with your opposite foot as the hand holding the weight. As you step back, you begin to press the weight over your head, twisting the weight as you press so that your palm now faces in front of you. As the weight reaches its maximum height, you should be in a reverse lunge. Now step forward as you slowly lower the weight to the starting position. 12 reps each side.
Extreme Set: Perform the same exact exerise but don’t step backwards. You have to dig deep doing the extreme set. They’re hard, especially if you are failing at 10-12 reps on the exercise before the extreme. The slower you raise and lower the weight, the stronger you become.
3) Chest Fly with Hip Lift -
Did I say the last exercise was a monster. Because what I meant to say was that this one was a monster. Maybe I should just say that they ALL are. So lying on your back, raise both weights to the up position, arms straight. Now raise your hips. As you lower the weight, you will lower your hips. At the bottom, neither the weights or your hips should touch or rest on the ground. If you do these chest moves right, you can really build some size here! At least if you're a guy :) Thank you, testosterone.
Extreme Set: Same thing as above, except no hips are involved. Slow movements. Your chest should be about to implode at this point.
4) Kneeling Overhead Press and Center Crunch -
This exercise involves two weights. I would recommend a towel or a pad to rest your knees on. Get down on your knees with back sitting straight up (don’t sit back on your feet), and hold two weights (one in each hand) about shoulder high. Elbows will be bent. You’ll bend down a bit to make an abdominal crunch, then raise up, and shoulder press the weight straight up. Repeat.
Extreme Set: This exercise is standing, you’ll do 3 regular shoulder presses, straight up over your head.
5) Push-Up Side Planks -
This exercise is rather simple. You’ll perform a regular push up, then you’ll turn to one side, and raise your hand straight up towards the ceiling. So in this position, you’ll be sideways. then you’ll repeat with another push up and a side plank on the opposite side. Important point to remember. This is an excellent core exercise. In the push up, keep your back straight, don’t raise your hips too high, or allow them to sag towards the ground. Same goes for the side plank position. If you start to fail, go to your knees before you continue with poor form. After doing all the preceding shoulder and chest work, these are gonna be hard!
Extreme Set: 3 egular push ups.
6) Dead Lift Frontal Press -
This exercise requires excellent form. If your form is not as it should be, lower your weight! Your back must be straight at all times, which isn't always easy for me. If done correctly, this exercise is great for your hamstrings, lower back, and shoulders. Hold a weight in each hand, elbows bent, and the weight around shoulder height. Lower your upper body, back straight, weights in tight to the body. Go as low as you can go with exceptional form. Then raise back up, keep your back straight. In the regular standing position, press the weights up over your head.
Extreme Set: Same thing as before, but no dead lift.
7) Traveling Push-Ups -
As the name states, you will perform a regular push up, then you’ll “travel” left or right. You do this by bringing your hands together, than back out again. You’ll do the same thing with your feet. It’s hard to explain, but you’ll see.
Extreme Set: Tricep push ups.
8. Chest Fly - Abduction -
By this point your shoulders and chest should be worked to near exhaustion. But there's still more to go! For this move, you are lying on your back again, with a weight in each hand, and they are both in the raised position (extended upwards). At the same time, your legs are also straight up, with the thigh toner band around your ankles. You put tension on the band by flexing your legs outward. As you lower your hands, you lower your feet (maintaining tension on the band). The lower you can go on your legs, the harder the move becomes. It’s important to keep your lower back on the ground at all times.
Extreme Set: Chest fly only. You should be dying here! Just don't drop the weights on your face :)
9) Army Crawl - For the last exercise, you will be in the plank position. Chalene has you in the plank position, resting on your elbows and forearms, but alternatively, you could be in a regular plank. So from the plank, you will bring one knee upwards towards your elbow, then back out straight again. Then you’ll switch legs. If you pause at the top of the movement, and contract your abs, you’ll really feel this exercise in your core. Overall though, I found it a bit of a breather after all that hard shoulder/chest work!
Extreme Set: From plank, you’ll lift one leg straight up, working your lower back. Lower and repeat two more times. Then switch legs.
By now, you should be ready for the cool down. The cool down lasts a little more than 3 minutes, and of course take more time if you need to.
I really really enjoy the Lean Circuit of ChaLEAN Extreme. It really is a killer!
In early 2009 I completed Tony Horton's P90X for the very first time and got in the best shape of my life. Since then (although I am NOT a Beachbody Coach) I've done P90X 3x total as well as other Beachbody programs like Chalean Extreme, 10 Minute Trainer, Insanity, and now I'm starting P90X-2 with my wife, Katie. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice, and I'm doing my best to make it mine. My hope is that those reading will benefit from hearing about the new programs, etc., I try!
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