Tuesday, March 20, 2012

P90X2 (Day 1): X2 Core

Day 1 of P90X2 is officially complete!  Katie and I just finished doing X2 Core, which is, well, probably the most interesting dvd workout I've ever done.  And it's probably one of the more fun workouts in the P90x series, if I can say such a thing.

The focus throughout the P90X2 program is all about functional strength, and so the fact that the very first workout is centered around your core and balance makes a lot of sense.  Similar and yet at the same time quite different from the original P90X's "Core Synergistics," X2 Core brings a lot of new elements to the foray:  a balance ball, medicine balls, a foam roller.  Although the latter two of these items have yet to be purchased, Katie and I do both have balance balls, and I found their inclusion a welcome addition.

Interestingly, although I know my body was worked extremely hard throughout the workout (I definitely failed from fatigue on a few moves) I actually feel somewhat refreshed now that it's over as though I had a really thorough massage.  This workout will definitely be a favorite of mine going forward!


  • Balance ball (highly recommended!)
  • 1 medicine ball (I don't have mine yet, but I felt like some of the uses of it in this particular workout felt forced...particularly it's use in one pushup move where you might as well just be doing a plyo/clap pushup from P90X)
  • Foam roller (again, don't have mine yet, but you can just do your own regular stretches)

Some Notable Moves

  • One Legged Burpee w/ Balance Ball
    • This is tough and just plain odd!  You start by standing up and holding a balance ball in your hands.  Then simply execute a normal burpee, but you go down into plank position with your hands on the balance ball rather than on the floor.  Oh yeah, and you do it on one leg the entire time.  (disclosure, the "one leg" thing is going to have to wait a while for me until I can build up more core a bit more)
  • Stability Ball Core Circles
    • Get in plank position with your forearms situated on your stability ball.  Then, kinda just move your forearms around in clockwise, then counterclockwise, keeping your core VERY engaged throughout.  NOT easy.
  • Banana Ball Switch Crunch
    • Lay on the ground on your back, core engaged, with your legs extended up and off the ground just slightly in front of you with your arms extended straight behind you, also a bit off the ground.  That's a regular banana move.  For THIS version of it, add a stability ball by first holding it in your hands and extending it beyond your head.  Then bring your chest and knees towards each other like a crunch, and pass off the stability ball from your hands to your feet.  Extend back out, and come back in for a crunch, passing the ball back to your hands. Rough!
You can probably tell that the stability ball moves most stuck out to me and will probably be one of the biggest areas where I can improve.  Overall, as I mentioned, this is probably going to be a favorite workout of mine.  It doesn't obliterate you, like Insanity (or even most P90X workouts, including the original Core Synergistics), but you definitely finish the workout thinking you're probably going to be hurting the next day in muscles you never knew you had.  A fun, unique addition to the series!

Tomorrow is PLYOCIDE.  Yikes!

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