Katie and I just finished today's Insanity workout (had to postpone from this morning due to the week's school schedule)...and it was hard. VERY hard.
The warm-up for Pure Cardio--about 11 minutes--was the exact same as for Plyometric Cardio Circuit, which as you recall was a killer: jog (aka sprint), jumping jacks, heisman, 123 heismans, butt kicks, and mummy kicks...repeat 3x, getting faster with each cycle.
The warm-up, as pretty much always, was followed by an 7-8 minute stretch sequence. So, it was during the latter half of this portion of the video that I knew I was in trouble. Right before the workout begins Shaun comments about he's "nervous" about starting Pure Cardio. What!? This is definitely the first time I've ever heard him say anything that showed weakness. It's like he's deliberately taunting us. What are we in for!?
Workout (15 min)
Brutal. Brutal. Brutal.
Unlike previous workouts that involve cycles of different exercises for 30 second stints (with periodic breaks), Pure Cardio was 15 minutes of 100% intensity and NO BREAKS!! Not a single one. Background exercisers are dropping like flies in the background, while Katie and I are holding back the urge to vomit (not an exaggeration, and this is the first time we've felt this bad from one of these workouts).
As a basic summary of the moves, there were a large handful of different jack variations (all of which consisted of some sort of low squat), frog jumps, ski jumps, suicide jumps and runs, as well as some brutal synergistic pushup moves. Most of them we had seen before, but it did us no good in terms of keeping up. As a matter of fact, this was probably the worst I've done in the actual workout as far as taking extra breaks. Brutal.
Thought for Today
Ok, this workout was a challenge, and I feel pretty accomplished having finished it. However, when you're talking about what amounts to pretty much a 15 minute "sprint" workout, it's kind of defeating during the workout itself. You almost want to walk away, and seeing all the folks in the background essentially passing out at varying intervals doesn't instill confidence. I won't be looking forward to doing this one again!
As a side note, this was by far the best I've done on the actual warm-up so far. No extra breaks!
Oh, and just FYI, there's one particular girl who's been in a few of the workouts so far who we actually seem to better than. She looks like she's in great shape, but she is CONSTANTLY taking breaks. Go us :)